1. P.T.T. Nhung, Dependence of the cosmic ray flux on atmospheric temperature, 2003, Hanoi National University.

  2. P.N. Diep, Dependence of the cosmic ray flux on atmospheric pressure, 2003, Hanoi National University.

  3. D.L.A. Huyen, Thoi gian song cua muon, 2004, Hanoi National University. (pdf)

  4. N.V. Phuong, Un modele simple du developpement longitudinal des gerbes electromagnetiques, 2006, Hanoi National University. (pdf) 

  5. K.T. Phuong, The black hole in the centre of the Milky Way, 2006, Hanoi National University. (pdf)

  6. D.T. The, Optical properties of a Cherenkov counter, 2007, Hanoi University of Education. (pdf)

  7. L.T. Huong, Galaxy collisions as possible sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays, 2008, Hanoi University of Education (pdf).

  8. L. Alio, Extensive air showers and the LPM effect, 2009, Hanoi National University of Science. (pdf)

  9. D.T. Hoai, X-ray binaries and three body capture, 2009, Hanoi University of Education. (pdf, ppt)

  10. N.V. Hiep, Réhauffement climatique et rayons cosmiques, 2010, Hanoi National University of Science (pdf).

  11. N.T. Dung, Gravitational lensing and Einstein rings, 2011, Hanoi National University of Science. (pdf, ppt)

  12. N.T. Phuong, Construction, operation and exploitation of a scintillator hodoscope, 2013, Hanoi National University of Science.
  13. P.T. Cuc, Construction, operation and exploitation of a scintillator hodoscope, 2013, Hanoi National University of Science.



  1. N H. Duong, Nghien cuu bat doi xung thong luong muon tai Hanoi, 2003, Ho Chi Minh City National University. (pdf)

  2. P.T.T. Nhung, Performance studies of water Cherenkov counters, 2006, Hanoi National University. (pdf)

  3. P.N. Diep, Detection and study of UHECRs, 2006, Hanoi Institute of Physics. (pdf)

  4. P.N. Dong, The Cherenkov counters of the VATLY laboratory, 2006, Hanoi University of Technology. (pdf)

  5. N.T. Thao, The detection of extensive air showers in Hanoi, 2007, Hanoi National University. (pdf)

  6. P.T. Anh, Interferometry of the Sun emission at 610 MHz, 2010, Hanoi Institute of Physics. (pdf)

  7. D.T. The, A study of diffusive shock acceleration, 2010, Hanoi University of Education. (pdf)

  8. D.T. Hoai, An original approach to the simulation of the development of extensive air showers up to extreme high energies, 2011, Hanoi Institute of Physics (pdf).

  9. N.V. Hiep, Small radio telescope at VATLY, 2012, Hanoi Institute of Physics.

  10. N.H.P. Thanh, Astudy of the thirty four solar flares detected from Hanoi and Learmonth on the 21 cm HI line between 2012 and 2014, Master intership, 2014, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH). (pdf)
  11. B.V. Tuan, Astudy of six major solar flares detected from Hanoi and Learmonth on the 21 cm HI line with a comparison of those at other frequencies from 2012-2014, Master intership, 2014, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH). (pdf)
  12. P. Deshapriya, Understanding pulsars, Master intership, 2014, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH). (pptx)
  13. N.T. Phuong, Solar and other observations using a Small Radio Telescope, 2016,Hanoi University of Science (HUS). (pdf)
  14. N.T. Hoang, Reduction of ALMA data using CASA software, Master intership, 2016,Hanoi University of Science (HUS). (pdf)
  15. N.T. Lam, Morphology and kinematics of the CO(3-2) and continuum emissions of the planetary disc 49 Cet, Master intership, 2016,Hanoi University of Science (HUS). (pdf)
  16. H.H. Van, A review of high redshift galaxies having both their gas and dust components resolved, Master intership, 2016,Hanoi University of Science (HUS). (pdf)


  1. D.Q. Thieu, Nghien cuu tuong tac muon trong he detector mo phong tram do mat dat cua du an Pierre Auger, 2007, Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission. (pdf)

  2. P.T.T. Nhung, Contribution to the study of ultra high energy showers using the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory, 2009, Hanoi University of Science and Paris 6 University. (pdf)

  3. P.N. Diep, Contribution to the identification of primary ultra high energy cosmic rays, 2010, Vietnam Institute of Physics and Paris Sud 11 University. (pdf)

  4. P.N. Dong, On the performance of the Cherenkov counters of the PAO surface detector, 2010, Vietnam Institute of Physics and Paris Sud 11 University. (pdf)

  5. N.T. Thao,  Muon decays in the Cherenkov counter of the VATLY laboratory, 2013, Vietnam Institute of Physics (pdf).

  6. P.T. Anh, Millimeter/submillimeter observations of gravitationally lensed high redshift galaxies, 2014, Vietnam Institute of Physics and Toulouse University (pdf).

  7. D.T. Hoai, Study at radio wavelengths of circumstellar envelopes around red giants , 2015, Vietnam Institute of Physics and Paris Observatory (Paris 6 University) (pdf).