1. P.T. Anh et al., Millimetre/Submillimetre Astronomy Studies in Hanoi, Physics in Collision, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (pdf)

  2. P.T. Nhung et al., Morphology and kinematics of the gas envelope of Mira Ceti, Blowing in the wind, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (pdf)
  3. P.N. Diep et al., Space reconstruction of the morphology and kinematics of axisymmetric radio sources, Blowing in the wind, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (ppt)
  4. D.T. Hoai et al., Study of the gas envelopes of evolved stars and protostars, Astronomy Development in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (pdf)
  5. P.T. Anh et al., Study of the gas and dust components of high redshift galaxies, Astronomy Development in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (pdf)
  6. P.N. Diep et al., On a possible future national radio astronomy facility, Astronomy Development in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (ppt)
  7. P. Darriulat et al., Development of astronomy and astrophysics in Viet Nam: What is most needed? A personal view, Astronomy Development in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (ppt)
  8. P.T. Anh et al., Morphology and kinematics of the gas envelope of protostar L1527 as obtained from ALMA observations of the C18O(2-1) line emission, Star Formation in different environments, Quynhon, Vietnam, 2016. (pdf)
  9. P.T. Anh et al., Resolving the molecular gas around the lensed quasar RXJ0911.4+0551, EAYAM 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015. (pdf)
  10. P.N. Diep et al., CO12 Emission from The Red Rectangle , EAYAM 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015. (pdf)
  11. N.T. Thao et al., Evidence for polarized solar flare emission from simultaneous radio observations in Australia and Vietnam, ISYA 36th, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2014. (pdf)
  12. P.N. Diep et al., Correlated Oscillations Due to Similar Multipath Effects Seen in Two Widely Separated Radio Telescopes, APRIM 2014, Daejeon, South Korea, 2014. (pdf)
  13. P.N. Diep, Radio astronomy in Vietnam: Recent developments, Winter School on Radio Astronomy, Chiangmai, Thailand, 2014. (pdf)
  14. Nhung et al., On the central symmetry of the circumstellar envelope of RS Cnc, Proceedings of "Why galaxies care about AGB stars", Vienna, 2014. (pdf)
  15. D.T. Hoai et al., The multi-scale environment of RS Cnc from CO and HI observations, Proceedings of "Why galaxies care about AGB stars", Vienna, 2014. (pdf)
  16. P.T. Anh et al., Resolving the molecular gas around the lensed quasar RXJ0911.4+0551, APRIM 2014, Daejeon, South Korea, 2014. (pdf)
  17. N.T. Phuong et al., Four years of operation of the VATLY radio telescope: A summary of main results, Vinatom Young Researchers Meeting, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014. (pdf)
  18. P.N. Dong et al., Training facilities in VATLY, The 10th National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology, Vung Tau, Vietnam, 2013.
  19. NT Thao et al.,VATLY Cherenkov Detectors and its response to electrons and muons, The 10th National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology, Vung Tau, Vietnam, 2013. (pdf)
  20. P.T.T. Nhung et al., Radio observation of solar activity related mHz oscillations, RDV Proceedings, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 2013. (pdf)
  21. N.T. Phuong et al., Radio observation of solar activity related mHz oscillations, SEAYAC2013, Bangdung, Indonesia, 2013. (ppt)
  22. P.N. Diep et al., Radio astronomy training at VATLY, SEAYAC2013, Bangdung, Indonesia and COSPAR Proceedings, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013. (pdf)
  23. P.N. Diep et al., Research at VATLY, RDV Proceedings, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 2013. (ppt)
  24. N.T. Thao et al., Cherenkov detection of cosmic rays in Hanoi: Response to low signals, AIP Conference Proceedings 1528, 16. (pdf)
  25. P.T. Anh et al., The pointing accuracy of the VATLY small radio telescope, Siam Physics Congress, Ayutthaya, Thailand, 2012. (ppt)
  26. P.T.T. Nhung [Pierre Auger Collaboration], Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory on ultra high energy cosmic rays, International Conferences on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Vietnam, Quy Nhon, 2011. (pdf)
  27. P. Darriulat, Three limits to the physical world , International Conferences on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Vietnam, Quy Nhon, 2011. (ppt)
  28. D.T. Hoai et al., Gravitational lensing, IAU-VIETNAM Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics, Ho Chi Minh city, 2011. (pdf)
  29. N.V. Hiep et al., Observations at 21cm, IAU-VIETNAM Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics, Ho Chi Minh city, 2011. (ppt)
  30. P.N. Diep [Pierre Auger Collaboration], Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory, The 2nd Academic Conference on Natural Science for Master and PhD Students from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Vinh, 2011. (ppt)
  31. N.V. Hiep et al., The VATLY radio telescope, The 2nd Academic Conference on Natural Science for Master and PhD Students from Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam, Vinh, 2011. (ppt)
  32. N.T. Thao et al., Research at VATLY, The 2nd Academic Conference on Natural Science for Master and PhD Students from Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam, Vinh, 2011. (pdf1, pdf2)
  33. P.N. Dong et al., Research at VATLY, The 9th National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology, Ninh Thuan, August, 2011.

  34. P. Darriulat, Large Transverse Momentum, ISR 40th anniversary, January 2011 (pdf)

  35. P.N. Diep et al., Research at VATLY main themes and recent results, Proc. ISPUN07, Da Nang, July  2007. (ppt)
  36. P. Darriulat, Particle physics for tomorrow: LHC, Opening address of the high energy department of HNU, February 2007. (ppt)
  37. P. Darriulat and P.N. Diep, Hanoi a l'ecoute du cosmos, L'Espace, Hanoi, December 2007. (ppt)
  38. P.N. Diep et al., VATLY, a cosmic ray laboratory in Hanoi: a progress report, Proc.VIth Renc.Vietnam, Hanoi, August 2006, page 279. (ppt)
  39. P.T.T. Nhung et al., Cosmic ray studies at VATLY, Proc. Osaka-Hanoi Forum, Frontiers of Basic Science, Osaka University Press, 2006, page 92. (ppt)
  40. P. Darriulat, Einstein inheritage: Modern cosmology, Einstein's day celebration, Hanoi, November 2005. (ppt)
  41. P. Darriulat et al., Extreme energy cosmic rays and the Universe, Proc. IXth APPC conference, Hanoi, October 2004, page 21. (ppt)
  42. P.N.Diep et al., Atmospheric muons in Hanoi, Proc. IXth APPC Conference, Hanoi, October 2004, page 87. (ppt)
  43. D.Q.Thieu et al., Atmospheric muons in Hanoi, Proc. Vth Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi, August 2004, page 225. (ppt)
  44. P.N. Dinh et al., Cosmic ray research in Hanoi: The Auger experiment and measurements made at home, ISPUN02, Halong Bay, 2003, Nuclear Physics A722 (2003) 439c. 


  1. Cosmology and Astrophysics: an elementary introduction (pdf)

  2. Particle physics: an elementary introduction (doc)

  3. Elementary particles and their interaction: a brief introduction (doc)

  4. Cosmology an elementary introduction (pdf)

  5. Accelerators, VAEC, 2007 (pdf) 

  6. Cosmic Rays - Black holes, Katmandu, 2008 (doc) (pdf)

  7. Major questions in astrophysics and particle physics, HUS, 2008 (ppt)

  8. Instrumentation in Ground and Space Astrophysics, HUS, 2008 (pdf)

  9. Cosmic rays: an introduction, TAD, HCM, 2011  (ppt)

  10. The ISR legacy, Rome, 2011 (doc, ppt)

  11. Cosmic rays: An introduction, IAU-Vietnam Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics (HCMUP, November 21-25, 2011) (ppt)

  12. Astrophysics and Vietnam, Public talk, HCMC, December 2011. (ppt)

  13. Cosmic rays: An introduction, Astrophysics School, Quy Nhon, 2013. (Lecture1, 2)