Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam National Space Center
Vietnam national space center
  • Tiếng Việt
  • English

Acad. Prof. Chau Van Minh – President of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology delivers closing remarks at Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum 2020 Online Meeting – APRSAF Online 2020

Today, November 19, 2020, the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum 2020 Online meeting – APRSAF Online 2020 – has taken place as the result of postponing Hanoi 27th APRSAF to 2021 due to Covid-19 outbreak. The online event has attracted 650 participants from 56 countries and space agencies worldwide such as Australia, China, New Zealand, Israel, JAXA, UAE, NASA, etc. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Vietnam National Space Center (VNSC), along with Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Indonesia National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) and Singapore Space and Technology Ltd (SSTL) were the co-organizers of this online conference

Heads of Agencies Session at APRSAF online 2020

Under the theme “Sharing Space Visions Beyond Distance”, the event began with the opening remarks from Mr. HAGIUDA Koichi – Japanese Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The conference continued by country reports on space technology activities, report on 04 APRSAF’s initiatives and 02 live sessions on the following topics: “Realizing Sustainable Space Activity through Strengthening Partnerships with Diverse Players; Promoting Space Industries and Achieving the SDGs” and “Space Endeavors in Challenging Times” concerning Covid-19 pandemic. The last parts of the event were proposals from APRSAF Executive Committee, and closing remarks by Acad. Prof. Chau Van Minh – President of VAST.

At APRSAF Online 2020, Dr. Pham Anh Tuan – Director General of VNSC has joined the Heads of Space Agencies Session to discuss global responses to Covid-19. VNSC has also submitted the country report on present activities of space technology and applications and its future plan.

Acad. Prof. Chau Van Minh – President of VAST delivering closing remarks at APRSAF Online 2020

At the end of the conference, Acad. Prof. Chau Van Minh – President of VAST delivered the closing remarks, in which, he appreciates the efforts of APRSAF organizers on the success of this online event. According to Acad. Prof. Chau Van Minh, even though the event was taking place in such a short time, it has brought good opportunity to discuss important and urgent issues. He believed today’s conclusions will soon be implemented and bring practical results. Finally he expressed his hope on positive changes of Covid-19 situation and he look forward to welcome participants to Hanoi for APRSAF-27 in 2021.
