Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology assigned functions, tasks, authority, organization structure, operating regulations of Vietnam National Space Center in Decision number 1611/QĐ-TTg dated September 16th 2011, Decision number 1035/QĐ-VHL dated June 19th 2017. It was mentioned as belows:
Vietnam National Space Center (VNSC) has the functions of research and development, technology applications, and development of high quality human resource in space science and technology.
a) Receive, implement, manage and use the Vietnam Space Center project by Japan’s ODA with particular tasks as belows:
- Development of high quality human resource in space technology;
- Researching, designing, developing, assembling and testing of satellites;
- Control, operation and management of earth observation satellites of Vietnam;
- Data collection, storage, processing and development of satellite image applications serving for space technology application;
b) Perform national duties in research, development, application and transfer of space science and technology;
c) Develop facilities, implement national and international cooperation projects in space science and technology field, especially satellite technology;
d) Communications and awareness raising for public about the importance and benefit of space science and technology in social – economic development and national security;
e) Train and develop high qualified personnel in space science and technology and other related fields;
f) Science and technology services in space science and technology and other related fields;
g) International cooperation in space science and technology and other related fields;
h) Organizational and staff management in accordance with State and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology regulations;
i) Financial and asset management in accordance with State and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology regulations;
j) Perform other duties assigned by President of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.