Working Group 2
Asia Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (APBON)
“Planning in-situ and satellite observation network of biodiversity and ecosystems”
Since its foundation in 2009, APBON has been developed as a coordinated network
contributing to CBD and IPBES through the observations of the states and trends
of biodiversity and ecosystems in the Asia-Pacific region. APBON is promoting
network activities on observations, data sharing and publications including
three volumes of ‘APBON books’ (Springer). In the 9th GEOSS Asia Pacific
Symposium held in Tokyo, January 2017, this WG shared the knowledge of
achievements, on-going observations and capacity building activities in the
region. As the output of the WG discussion we have achieved following statement
in the “Tokyo Statement” as our next steps: “APBON will promote data sharing to
increase access to biodiversity related information and the effective monitoring
systems of biodiversity and ecosystems. Gaps in available information will be
addressed by improving collaboration among researchers in observation sites,
designing incentives for data publications and deriving solutions to relevant
science questions. APBON sees the need to improve communication and
collaboration among biodiversity and ecosystem observation networks, to identify
more national, thematic and regional networks and to reach out to other parts of
Asia and the Pacific...”. In order to foster our integrated observations and
analyses of status and functions of biodiversity and ecosystems, and also to
link APBON activities with broader Earth Observations involved in the GEO
community, this working
group will (1) share the current status of thematic and geographical coverage of
biodiversity, phenology and ecosystem research sites (plots), (ii) plan
mechanisms for data and knowledge delivery to Earth Observation community by
inter-operable data system such as GEOSS portal and DIAS, and (iii) build the
‘Super-site’ concept for integrated biodiversity and ecosystem observations by
in-situ and satellite systems. In addition to these discussions on disciplinary
and inter-disciplinary observation plans, we would also like to discuss how can
the biodiversity and ecosystem observations help our society to achieve the
Sustainable Developmental Goals through the transdisciplinary processes of
co-design and co-production with stakeholders.
Tetsukazu Yahara (Kyusyu University, Japan)
Sheila Vergara (ASEAN Center for Biodiversity, Philippines)
Ha Quy Quynh (VAST, Vietnam)
Qinhuo Liu (CAS, China)
Working group co-organizers:
Eun-Shik Kim (Kookmin University, Korea)
Reiichiro Ishi (RIHN, Japan)
Tohru Nakashizuka (RIHN, Tohoku University, Japan)
Hiroyuki Muraoka (Gifu University, Japan)