
1. Date: 18th-20th September 2017
2. Venue: Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
3. Organizers: VNSC/VAST, MEXT, GEO Secretariat
4. Theme:  Accelerating the realization of the SDGs with Earth Observations: Lessons from the Asia-Oceania Region


MC: Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, VNSC

Day 1: Monday, September 18th (2nd floor Grand Hall and 9th floor Meeting room 903)

8:30-9:00 Registration  
9:00-9:15 Welcome remarks (15 mins)
[Dr. Akiko Noda, GEO Secretariat (PDF 0.8MB);
Prof. Chau Van Minh, President of VAST (PDF 0.5MB);
Ms. Mami Oyama, Deputy Director General of MEXT]
9:15-9:25 MOU signing ceremony between JAXA and VNSC  
9:25-10:05 Keynote speech (40 mins)
[Assoc. Prof. Pham Anh Tuan, Director General of VNSC] (PDF 4.6MB)
10:05-10:15 Photo Session (10 mins)  
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break  
10:45-12:15 Country reports (Each country)

1. Australia (Dr. Alex Held, CSIRO) (PDF 2.7MB)
2. China (Xingfa Gu, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (PDF 2.4MB)
3. Japan (Masafumi Sato, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)) (PDF 1.7MB)
4. Laos PR (Boupha Silap, Lao National Focal Point of ASEAN Subcommittee on Space Application (SCOSA)) (PDF 5.9MB)
5. Malaysia (Maqrun Fadzli/ Mohd.Fahmi, National Weather and Geophysics Operation Center) (PDF 1.8MB)
6. Mongolia (Eldevochir Erdenebat, National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring of Mongolia) (PDF 1.2MB)
7. Pakistan (Hazrat Mir, National Drought Monitoring Center) (PDF 6.1MB)
9. South Korea (Kim Kwang-Eun, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) (PDF 0.3MB)
10. Vanuatu (David Loubser, Vanuatu Country Manager (PEBACC)) (PDF 1.4MB)
11. Vietnam (Vu Anh Tuan, Vietnam National Satellite Center(VNSC)) (PDF 2MB)
12. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center(ADPC) (Peeranan Towashiraporn) (PDF 0.7MB)
13. Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)(Ngo Kim Chi)
14. The Asia-Padific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF)(Taku Ujihara) (PDF 3.1MB)
15. Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) (Manop Aorpimai) (PDF 3.2MB)

12:15-13:45 Lunch (VAST's cafereria, 3rd floor, A21 Building)
13:45-14:45 Country reports, cont. (Each country)
14:45-15:00 Report from EO4SDG (15 mins)
[Mr. Chu Ishida, JAXA (Co-lead of the EO4SDG Initiative)] (PDF 2.5MB)
15:00-16:15 Needs introduction from Vietnam (75 mins)
Introduction on the needs of Earth observation data and information based on experiences in Vietnam
[Moderator: Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, Vice Director General of VNSC]
[Panelists: Dr. Lam Dao Nguyen, VNSC; Dr. Chu Hai Tung, MoNRE; Prof. Nguyen Dinh Duong, VAST; Dr. Ha Quy Quynh, VAST; Prof. PHAM VAN CU, VNU]
16:15-16:45 Coffee Break  
16:45-17:45 Special Session 1: Two concurrent sessions on cross-cutting issues (60 mins)
Session 1-A (Meeting room 903): Data sharing and AO-DataCube (AOGEOSS Task#10&11)
[Moderator: Dr. David Hudson, Director of Earth and Marine Observations Operations_Geoscience Australia; Prof. Guoqing Li, RADI, China ]
[Panelists: Dr. Akiyuki Kawasaki, The University of Tokyo; Dr. Paul Chan, IMSG, Inc.; Prof. Zhou Xiang, RADI, CAS; Dr Alex Held, CSIRO]
Session 1-B (Grand Hall): User engagement and communication (AOGEOSS Task12)
[Moderator: Dr. Toshio Koike, Director of ICHARM]
[Panelists: Dr. Baku Takahashi, JICA Vietnam; Mr.Osamu Ochiai, JAXA; Dr. Kelly Hyden, ESCAP; Dr. Ngo Kim Chi, APN; Dr. Akira Takagi, JASTIP; Mr. Qinhuo Liu, RADI, CAS]
18:00-18:30 Move to Reception Venue by Shuttle Bus arranged by VNSC/VAST
Address: Government Guesthouse, No. 2, Le Thach Str., Hanoi
18:30-20:30 - Brief reports from Special Session 1-A: Dr. David Hudson, Director of Earth and Marine Observations Operations_Geoscience Australia & 1-B: Dr. Toshio Koike, Director of ICHARM
- Reception
20:30- Move to VNSC/VAST and Chalcedony Hotel (Nguyen Truong To Str.) by 03 Shuttle Buses arranged by VNSC/VAST


Day 2: Tuesday, September 19th (2nd floor Grand Hall, Meeting rooms: 705/709/804/903)

9:15-17:30 Five concurrent Working Groups (WG) sessions
- WG1:Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI)
- WG2:Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network(AP-BON)
- WG3:GEO Carbon and GHG Initiatives
- WG4:Ocean Observation and Society(Blue Planet)
- WG5:Agriculture and Food Security to respond to the GEO Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative (GEOGLAM)
* Each WG reports its progress and discusses actions toward the 11th AP Symposium.
* The activities of AOGEOSS TG#6-9 will be covered in the five WGs sessions
12:00-13:30 Lunch (3rd Floor, A21 Building)
17:30-18:00 Coffee Break
18:00- Closed Meeting with WG Co-chairs and Moderators of Special Session 1-A & 1-B  for coordinating a Statement - Meeting room 903
[Chairperson: Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, Vice Director General of VNSC ]

Day 3: Wednesday, September 20th (2nd floor Grand Hall)

9:15-10:15 Reports from each WG (60 mins)
[Moderator: Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, Vice Director General of VNSC ]
[Reporters: Co-chairs of each WG] (WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4, WG5)
10:30-11:00 AOGEOSS Actions (30 mins)
[Xingfa Gu, Executive Deputy Director of RADI/CAS]
11:00-12:30 Special Session 2: Wrap-up Panel discussion (90 mins)
Wrap-up the Symposium based on each WG’s discussion
[Moderator: Prof. Pham Van Cu, VNU]
[Panelists: Co-chairs of each WGs; Moderators of Special Session 1-A & 1-B]
12:30-12:40 Adoption of the Statement (10 mins)
Read-out and adoption of the final draft Statement
[Reader of the Statement: Dr. Akiko Noda, GEO Secretariat]
12:40-12:45 Closing Remarks (5 mins)
[Assoc. Prof. Pham Anh Tuan, Director General of VNSC]
13:00-14:00 Lunch (3rd, A21 Building)  
14:00- AOGEOSS ad-hoc Coordination Board Meeting (Meeting room 903)  

Teleconference via Skype Instructions

Please follow these instructions if you want to join GEOSS Teleconference via Skype

Method 1: Using shortcut link to join Skype Group

- GEOSS Special Session in Grand Hall :
- GEOSS Special Session in Meeting room 903 :
- GEOSS Working Group 1:
- GEOSS Working Group 2:
- GEOSS Working Group 3:
- GEOSS Working Group 4:
- GEOSS Working Group 5:

Method 2: Contact to VNSC staff for adding you to the Skype Group

Please send an email to the address: [email protected] that includes the following information:

- Your name
- Your Skype account (the email or phone used for logging Skype is much better)
- The session you want to join

VNSC Building Floor Guide

Attachment: Program.pdf