Working Group 3


    The Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is aimed at reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission for keeping the global warming below 2oC. The commitments and progresses of each country should be carefully monitored, reported and verified by international bodies. In recent years, the number of observational platforms for monitoring atmospheric GHGs is increasing. National or regional inventories of emissions have also been prepared at greater resolution in space and time. However, due to limited observational data coverage and imperfect scientific knowledge, high uncertainty remains in global or regional sources/sinks estimations.
    Our urgent needs are to harmonize the increasing number of earth observation platforms for monitoring GHGs such as satellites, aircraft, ships, and ground stations, and to reduce their source/sink estimation uncertainties by achieving international system collaboration particularly in Asia and Oceania. The assessments of climate change and its their impact on the global and regional GHGs budgets with high accuracy is needed for decision making. This will contribute to the UNFCCC’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 13 "Climate Action" by providing additional sources of information that can complement the national inventories. International collaborative efforts in the framework of GEO are strongly needed to develop an integrated and globally coordinated carbon observing and analysis system.

Pham Van CU, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
Nobuko SAIGUSA, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Antonio BOMBELLI, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy


1. Opening GEO Carbon and GHG Initiative Session
Moderator: Nobuko SAIGUSA

1) Opening Address [10-minute]
2) Introduction to the GEO Carbon and GHG Initiative
Antonio BOMBELLI, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy
3) Background Information on GEO 2017-2019 Work Programme
Hiroyuki MURAOKA, Gifu University, Japan






2. Initiative Task 2 – Data Access and Availability: Domain-Overarching
Carbon Cycle and GHGs Monitoring

Moderator: Pham Van CU

1) Mapping Rice Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Mai Van TRINH, Institute for Agricultural Environment, Vietnam Academy for Agricultural Sciences, Vietnam
2) Development of Reference Level for REDD+ Results Based Implementation in Vietnam
Vu Tan PHUONG, Vietnam Academy of Forest Sciences, Vietnam
3) JAXA’s Earth Observation and Introduction to the GEO Global Forest Observations Initiative
Osamu OCHIAI, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan
4) Earth Observation Platforms for Monitoring GHGs by Multi-Agency Coordinated with Japanese Alliance for Climate Change Observation
Nobuko SAIGUSA1, Mikio UENO2, Hideki KOBAYASHI3; 1-National Institute for Environmental Studies, 2-Japan Meteorological Agency, 3-Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan
5) Discussion



Lunch (VAST's cafereria, 3rd floor, A21 Building)



3. Initiative Task 4 – Budget Calculations and Breakdown Across Scales to
Support Policy Implementation [Part 1]

Moderator: Osamu OCHIAI

1) Implementation of the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) / Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) [though the internet]
Oksana TARASOVA, WMO, Research Department, Switzerland
2) Coordinated Carbon Research based on the Scientific Framework and Consultation with Policy Communities [though the internet]
Josep (Pep) CANADELL, Global Carbon Project (GCP), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
3) Quantifying GHG Budgets in Southeast Asia by Remote Sensing and Models
Wataru TAKEUCHI, University of Tokyo, Japan
4) National GHG Inventories in Vietnam
Nguyen Khac HIEU, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam
5) Discussion






4. Initiative Task 4 – Budget Calculations and Breakdown Across Scales to
Support Policy Implementation [Part 2]

Moderator: André OBREGÓN

1) GEO’s Perspective on Supporting Policy Implementation
André OBREGÓN, GEO Technical Expert for Climate, Switzerland
2) Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potentials in Agroforestry Practices: A Global Synthesis
Dong-Gill KIM, Hawassa University, Ethiopia
3) Potential Contribution of Remote Sensing in GHG Inventory – A New Beginning of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Vietnam
Pham Van CU, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
4) Satellite Remote Sensing of Greenhouse and Related Gases and Its Potential Contribution to National GHG Emission Inventories
Tsuneo MATSUNAGA, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
5) Discussions from the Users' Perspective



5. Closing the GEO Carbon and GHG Initiative Session
Moderator: Antonio BOMBELLI

1) Future Plan and Session Summary
2) Concluding Remarks