The Vietnam Space Center (VNSC) organizes the 3nd webinar in 2021 about “Ground motion from space” on October 15th, 2021.
The event was in conjunction with VNSC and the Data Democracy and Capacity Building Group (WGCapD), the Earth Observation Satellite Commission (CEOS)
Human activities often result in depletion or uplift of the ground. Monitoring the spatial extend and temporal evolution of surface deformations is critical to mitigate related hazards, since it may affect population, buildings and infrastructures. The natural question is raised: How to measure precisely surface deformations for large scale? Remotely-sensed observations appear essential for mapping large regions. In particular, the use of satellite-based SAR imagery processed by radar interferometry (InSAR) allows measuring large scale land motion with unprecedented spatial resolution from space. Since the 2000s, InSAR has become an operational tool for low-cost with millimeter-scale deformations of the earth’s surface.
Many areas in Vietnam, and in particular the deltaic regions of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city and the Mekong, are vulnerable to ground subsidence. The effect of subsidence may be increased due to climate change and related sea level changes. The aim of this talk is: (1) to provide a better understanding of the capabilities of the InSAR for detection and monitoring the ground subsidence; (2) to demonstrate examples in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city and the Mekong; (3) to highlight the implication on a new Vietnam X-band SAR mission (JV-LOTUSat) which has been scheduled for launch for the 2023 timeframe.
The speaker: Dr. Habil. Ho Tong Minh Dinh (UMR TETIS, INRAE)
His education:
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