Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam National Space Center
Vietnam national space center
  • Tiếng Việt
  • English

Department of Space Systems Design


The main objective of Department of Space Systems Design (SSD) is to apply system engineering on development of small satellite systems and advanced space systems. The main research areas of SSD consist of design and system management, launch service and procedure management, small satellite constellation design, training activity, and spinoff technology development.


Department of Space Systems Design, Vietnam National Satellite Center, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Address: Room 316, 2A Building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Hanoi


Currently, The SSD has a team of ten members who are working in four areas including system engineering, launch service, procedure management, system integration, and spinoff technology development.

Research Areas

The main research areas of SSD are described as follows:

1. System Design

  • Mission analysis
  • Technical requirement definition
  • Design, simulation and technical solutions
  • System architecture

This research area will focus on mission analysis to define system requirements and sub-system requirements of satellite. Based on those requirements, the system design, simulation, and technical solutions will be proposed and evaluated. The system design will be eventually decided to process for manufacturing and assembling in next steps.

2. System Integration

  • System/subsystem integrations
  • Evaluation and verification

Based on system design and subsystem requirements, the techniques for fabrication and integration will be chosen. After this step, the evaluation and verification will be implemented.

3. Launch Service and Procedure Management

  • Procedure management
  • Launch service

In this area, the SSD takes management responsibilities in implementation of satellite development projects in Vietnam National Satellite Center (VNSC). The SSD will be in charge to manage satellite projects that are required to meet the requirements such as quality, safety and time. In addition, the SSD team will be an important role in execution of the management standards to satellite projects in VNSC.

4. Training Activities

The SSD will take part in training and international collaboration activities at university levels to support for human resources development in Vietnam. Currently, The SSD team is participating in several training programs in two Vietnamese universities that are listed as follows:

  • Undergraduate training program of Aerospace Engineering at The University of Engineering and Technology – Vietnam National University
  • Undergraduate and Graduate training programs of Space and Aeronautics at The University of Science and Technology of Hanoi

5. Spinoff Technology Development

The SSD also aims at researching and developing spinoff technologies toward applying space technology for the society.

6. Small Satellite Constellation

Due to the demand of applications, small satellite constellation is a new trend in space industry. The SSD team will study and evaluate the feasibility in development of small satellite constellations in Vietnam.


International journal

  1. Le, S. Matunaga, (2013), “Real-Time Tuning Unscented Kalman Filter for a Redundant Attitude Estimator in Microsatellites,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 360-368.
  2. Le, S. Matunaga, (2014), “Real-Time Tuning Separate-Bias Extended Kalman Filter for Attitude Estimation,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 299-307.
  3. Le, Saburo Matunaga, (2014), “Sensor Faults Detection and Diagnosis in Microsatellite Attitude Determination System,” Transactions Of The Japan Society For Aeronautical And Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan; Issn:1884-0485; Vol.12; Page.N/A-N/A;
  4. Le, Saburo Matunaga, (2014), “A Residual Based Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Fault Recovery in Attitude Determination System of Microsatellites,” Acta Astronautica , Volume 105, Issue 1, December 2014, Pages 30–39.

International conference

  1. Huy X. Le, Ishizaka Kazuya, Saburo Matunaga, (2011), “Software Design and Simulation of Attitude Determination System for a Microsatellite – TSUBAME,” Proceedings of the 28th ISTS (International Symposium on Space Technology and Science), Japan, paper no. 2011-d-10.
  2. Huy X. Le, Saburo Matunaga, (2012), “Fine-Tuning Kalman Filters Using Star Trackers Data for Microsatellite Attitude Estimation,” Proceedings of i-SAIRAS (International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space), Italy.
  3. Le X. Huy, Matunaga Saburo, (2013), “Sensor Faults Detection and Diagnosis in Microsatellite Attitude Determination System,” The 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), Japan, paper no. 2013-d-60.
  4. Le X. Huy, Matunaga Saburo, (2013), “A Residual Based Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Microsatellites,” 64th International Astronautical Congress, China, IAC-13-C1.2.4.
  5. LE X. Huy, KAMIYA Takashi, HAO Ting, KAWAJIRI Shota, and MATUNAGA Saburo, (2013), “TSUBAME Microsatellite: Design, Development and Verification of Attitude Determination and Control System,” International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2013, Vietnam.
  6. LE X. Huy, ISHIZAKA Kazuya, MATUNAGA Saburo, (2010), “A Robust Attitude Determination Algorithm Based on Unscented Kalman Filter for Micro Satellite,” Space Engineering Conference 2010(19), H2, 2011-01-27, Japan.
  7. LE X. Huy, MATUNAGA Saburo, (2011), “A Mixed EKF/UKF Algorithm for Micro Satellites Attitude Estimation,” Space Engineering Conference 2011 (20), B3, 2012-01-26, Japan.
  8. LE X. Huy, MATUNAGA Saburo, (2011), “A New Sigma Points Selection Method of Unscented Kalman Filter for Fast And Robust Micro Satellite Attitude Estimation,” 55th Symposium on Space Science and Technology, Japan.
  9. LE X. Huy, MATUNAGA Saburo, (2013), “Adaptive Separate-Bias Extended Kalman Filter for Attitude Estimation,” Space Engineering Conference 2013 (22), A01, 2013-12-20, Japan.
  10. Hoang The Huynh, Huang Jyun Hau, Jyh-Ching Juang, Jiun-Jih Miau, Artur Scholz, “Implementation of Attitude Determination and Control System into PACE nano-satellite”, 3rd Nano-satellite Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 2012.
  11. Phan Manh Dan, Hoang The Huynh, Ha Van Quang, Trinh Hoang Quan, “A Global Water Pollution Monitoring Satellite System (WAMS)”, Novel Ideas for Nanosatellite Constellation Missions, International Academy of Astronautics, IAA Book Series, 2012.
  12. Sun-Won Kim, Hoang The Huynh, Yohei Satoh, Masanobu Tsuji, “Trade-Off Study on Competitive Structure Design of Micro-STAR”, 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Okinawa Japan, 2011.
  13. Le Xuan Huy, “Review of satellite development programs in Vietnam National Space Center”, The 21st Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-21), Tokyo, Japan, December 2-5, 2014.